Chrispc Jtv Player Version 1.10 Suggestions

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Chrispc Jtv Player Version 1.10 Suggestions

Post by Poweronoff »


First off all, sorry for my bad english, im from germany.

Im "using" for a pretty long time now and im looking on software-news-sites at least one time a day, but i NEVER saw this tool...and its epic! So why this software isn't on cnet or all the other huge software sites? I think most of the people don't know that this tool exists and watching with list it there and you will have like 100 times the downlaods you have now!

I have some suggestions to make. Hopefully some of the developers will read it. :)

- "show list" button is very good...why dont make a "show chat" button? there is enough space (yeah i know ctrl a and z, but button would be nice and is easy to make...)

- if you switch the display modes (full / frame) how to get back? once you switch du frame, i could not switch maybe you can it make like the windows size options to switch (maybe F10) or something

- skins are very good! why not make it possible for user to create there on and put in on your site (like winamp)

- portable (*.zip) would be nice to have ("...put it on your stick and watch everywhere..." :) )

- maybe the channel that was last open could be open when i start...for example games was last opened, it will be opened at the next start

- is there an option for "all languages" ?

- the last size and position is saved...very good...what would be awesome, if the window "snap in" at the desktop edge..i dont know how to explane...also like in winamp :)

- what about favorites channel list or bookmarks..i dont know how its called?

ok that's it for now. :)

I was reading some users had problems to get the stream starting (me too). i only had this red X in the upper left corner... if you are using firefox, you have to install the flash plugin for internet explorer!! get it here:

and you have to allow activeX-controls and scripting in the internet options!

many greetings
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Post by Chris »

Thank you for your message.

ChrisPC JTV Player was released just a month ago and we are looking for user feedback to improve it.

Regarding your suggestions:
- We can add the "Show chat" button.
- There is a shortcut available for switching between frame mode and full mode : ~ (tilda key near 1).
- There is no option yet for all languages, but there will be for all channels for a language.
- The JTV Player window already snaps like winamp window.
- We are working on adding favorite list.

Let us know if you have other suggestions.
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Post by Poweronoff »

ok i see. so here is some more feedback! :)

- the "~"-key (for switching view modes) is not working for me, so i pressed all the other keys and the "Ö"-key (to the right side of "L") is working (maybe because of the german keyboard layout ? )

- next thing is very important: i couldn't find the "entertainment"-channel...gaming, sport everything is there...but no entertainment. i also searched some ent.-channels, which was working fine with firefox, but the player didn't find maybe the channel isn't implemented yet?

- if you changing the windowssize to smaller than 800x600 (for example using ctrl 1,2 or 3) i get the error "Minimum pixel dimensions required for all chat funcionality are 270x420. Please enlarge your chat." so the chat won't work at this windows-sizes

- i had a weird bug, when i want to connect to a stream, i get an error and was connected to your the jtv-player was a browser then...but working good :) . after a restart, everthing works fine again. didn't make a screenshot, but something with "error in line 1"...

- i could not log-in at the chat window...after pressing "sign-in" nothing happend. also log in with firefox and then starting the player didn't work...maybe this works with internet explorer...

ok, i think thats all.
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Post by Chris »

In the channels category we have added the major subcategories from entertainment, like movies, tv series, scifi, radio etc. We can add also the entertainment category but it will include all subcategories.

Also note that some channels are not available at the moment in the JTV Player, those channels have been disabled by the broadcaster to be embeded on other sites beside We are working on adding those channels in the future versions.

The minimum pixel dimension message is from the chat, we embed the chat in our player using code. nothing we can do about this.

Regarding login from the chat, it does not work, seems there is a bug for embeded chats on other websites. You will need to launch Internet Explorer and login once and the chat should work from that moment forward.

Btw, where did you heard that users had problems to get the stream starting ?
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Post by Poweronoff »


In my opinion it would be the best, to take the categories like they are on the website. So you have like 10 categories, which is (i think) is more then enough...

But you said, that some channels are disabled, so maybe then this is fine how it is.

Because of the chat: I think it should work if you do the chatbox under the main-window! I think most user have the player at the top, the channels on the right and the chat under the window would looking really nice! So you had even more space for writing / reading see, only advantages! :) i dont know if it is possible...but i like to test this for you ^^

here is how i do it: i start firefox and looking what is streamed now in the preview windows, then i start jtv player and watch the a nice feature could be a preview of lets say the 3-most-viewer-channels in the categorie. if its possibly again...

next point login. i think now the browser / player is looking if im allready loked in by a created cookie or somthing like that right? so if im logged in with ie, the programm will look at the cookiefolder and ist here comes the "big problem"...who the ###### is unsing internet explorer!!!??? speed, security, design, features...NO! in all things firefox is way much better, and even opera 11 alpha is pretty cool with plugin support now! more and more users are using firefox /opera... is it possible to make an option in the settings with "browser: firefox, ie", so jtv player knows how to look for cookies? i dont even have internet explorer on my system, like all the other crappy software like windows media center ore sometning like that...only good software like chirspc jtv player!! :)

because i think internet tv will become much more bigger in future and the tv as we know it now will be replaced by internet tv, it would be great (for version 2.0 or so) to implement ustream and livestream! buts thats only for the future...another thing for the very far future could be the support of gpu / cuda...but i think this is pretty difficult or?

yeah, as i was writing in had many problems getting the player started, so i was looking and this user had the same problem, but no i hope hes reading my first post: ... 85098394/1

there was another forum, but i dont remember.

what do you think about to bind the "show list" option with the tabulator key...i think would feel better (easier). Just a question.

greetings and good night!
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Post by Chris »

Try the new version 1.20 and let us know your comments.
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Post by Weedsmoker »

1st of all.. Great Prog! everything works Amazingly, except the chat.. i can see the chat fine, but i can't log in

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Post by Chris »

Regarding chat login, it seems there is a bug for embeded chats on other websites. You will need to launch Internet Explorer and login once and the chat should work from that moment forward.
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Post by Weedsmoker »

cool cool, i tried that, and it worked Thanks
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