ChrisPC Screen Recorder - Recording Tips

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Record your video tutorials and know-how videos, record your PC gaming experience
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ChrisPC Screen Recorder - Recording Tips

Post by Chris »

In this topic you will find tips and tricks on how to improve the recording settings, depending on what you want to record a online video or just a simple desktop tutorial.

1. RECORD DESKTOP TUTORIAL - record a simple tutorial of your desktop which doesn't include any fast moving parts (such as videos, movies).
To improve performance, quality and have low CPU usage, try these changes in Settings->Advanced Settings:
- click on "Reset to default settings" button.
- set the FPS (frames per second) to a low value, for example 10 or 15 FPS
- video encoding speed to Fast or Medium.
- set recording quality to Optimum or Higher.

2. RECORD ONLINE VIDEO - record a video, that you can't download using Link Finder engine from ChrisPC VideoTube Downloader Pro.
To find the equilibrium between real-time live encoding and quality, depending on your CPU power, try this changes in Settings->Advanced Settings:
- click on "Reset to default settings" button.
- set the FPS (frames per second) to a value 25, 30 or 60 FPS (depends on your online video quality, but 25 FPS should be OK most of the time)
- video encoding speed to Super Fast or Ultra Fast.
- set recording quality to Optimum or Good.

3. DROPPED FRAMES - your CPU is not powerful enough to make encoding in real-time with your current recording settings
If you get a message similar to this one:
chrispc screen recorder - cpu slow.PNG
It means that your computer/laptop CPU is not powerful enough to make real-time encoding at the frames per second value you've set (in this example 60 FPS).

Try to make these changes in Settings->Advanced Settings:
- click on "Reset to default settings" button.
- set FPS to a lower value 30, 25 or 15 (frames per second)
- video encoding speed to Ultra Fast.
- lower the recording quality if you still have dropped frames, for example Good Quality or Low Quality setting.

4. RECORD AUDIO FROM MICROPHONE - record a tutorial with audio from your microphone.
By default the software will record your desktop audio (what you hear). If you desire to record audio from your microphone, simply follow these steps:
- Go to Settings->Advanced Settings
- In the selection box of "Record audio from" choose your microphone from the list.

5. BLACK IMAGE WHILE RECORDING ONLINE VIDEOS FROM A WEBSITE - while recording video from a website the recording has good sound but black image
This is related to the browser you are using.
Load the page you want to record in another browser like Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari or Edge.

Try Opera Browser 63.0.3368.94: ... .94-23424/ ... owser.html
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Re: ChrisPC Screen Recorder - Recording Tips

Post by tommyboy0515 »

I'm seeing the issue of audio with no video when screen recording CBS shows such as: ... -believer/

I get the black screen using Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.

Opera won't even let me watch the show and Safari for Windows wouldn't even open the CBS website.

Am I out of options now?
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Re: ChrisPC Screen Recorder - Recording Tips

Post by Chris »

You can try to disable hardware acceleration in your browser: ... all-black/
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