How to make FFMPEG work?

General Discussion about ChrisPC Free Video Converter
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How to make FFMPEG work?

Post by BettySwollocks »


I have downloaded the 4.20 version of the Converter on my Windows 10 PC.

When I click on the "Add Video" button, a pop-up appears telling me that in order to convert video files, I need to install FFMPEG. It also asks if I would like to download the FFMPEG installer now. I click "Yes" and successfully download "setup_ffmpeg_addon_201606XP"

I then click on the FFMPEG addon and follow the Setup Wizard to completion. This generates a subfolder (titled "FFMPEG Addon") within my Program Files (x86) folder. In that subfolder are two applications, titled "ffmpeg" and "unins000"

Despite all this, the next time I click on "Add Video", the same pop-up appears and I'm asked to go through the entire process again.

Considering I have downloaded both the Converter and FFMPEG, may you tell me what else I have to do to be able to use the Converter? Do I need to move one of the aforemention applications to a different folder/subfolder?

Thanks in advance for any help, and feel free to ask for more information you require to resolve my issue.
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Re: How to make FFMPEG work?

Post by Chris »


Try to uninstall ChrisPC Converter and install it again.
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