Kstvtune.ax Error

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Post by msj33 »


I've got a Terratec TV400 and i want to use ChrisTv, but it wont work :o
When i try to Autoscan for channels, an errormessage shows with the following:

Access violation at adress 653854BB in module Kstvtune.ax Read of adress 00000000

I have the following Specs.

Windows XP SP1 with ALL updates.(Before update of SP1 it didn't work)
Directx 9.0a(Have tried with 8.1 and 9.0b but didn't solve the problem)
Have uninstalled all Video Codec packs
Disabled antivirusprogram.
Shutdown all programs and processes that wasn't necessary in XP.

Have tried to install different WDM drivers for other Phillips SAA71XX based TV-cards, but still get the error message.

Has tried to install different versions of ChrisTv but STILL won't work.

I've tried to set the channels up manually but it won't change channel, when i try.

I tried searching for people with the same problem, and it seams that people with the Medion TV-CARD have the same problem.

the ONLY thing i "got" working is, when i open Chris TV it shows the last channel i've have been tuned into, and i have no problems hearing the sound, but no matter what it refuses to Autoscan or manually setup channels and switch bewteen them.

My Questions is:

Have do i solve this problem?

What is the problem caused by?

Microsoft have made a Update for the Directx 9.1b about the NTSC/PAL problem, but i can't install the update cause my XP is in danish and the update is in English:-(

Somebody please help me :(

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Post by Chris »

As posted on the http://www.chris-tv.com/news.html

7 September 2003 

DirectX 9.0b BUG FIX :) - Paths to patches for all 15 DirectX-supported languages are available from the link above
More Info :topic on the Old ChrisTV Forum.

Don't forget that ChrisTV was the first to let you know how to solve this DirectX9.0b bug :).

check the old ChrisTV Forum topic : http://christv.myikonboard.com/viewthre ... hreadid=83

here is the bug fix from Microsoft :
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en

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Post by msj33 »

Hi Chris.

Thanks for the Quick reply:o)

As I descriped, I can't install the Update because the XP i have is in Danish and there isn't any danish versions of DirectX (But i have updated my Directx with the English version.!?!?)

But when i try to install the update it deny to update beacuse the english update differs from my Danish version of Windows Xp.

So what do I do'?

Contact Microsoft, or do you know which files to update, and do you have them?

Hope you can help me:-(

Greetings from
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Post by Chris »

Backup your file C:WindowsSYSTEM32KSTVTUNE.AX and download
This file is from my DX9.0 installation, it seems that there is a problem
with dx9b.
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Post by msj33 »

Hi Chris.

Thank you very much for your help.

But it still won't work.

I've tried almost everything, but the result is still the same error.

I still want to have the Kstvtune.ax update for Diectx 9.0b because the filesize of it, is 281,008 where the Win2k AND the origionally Xp is 274.432.

Can someone who has an English XP P L E A S E install the update, an upload somewhere or mail it to me, Thx: Msj33@hotmail.com

Further information at: NTSC-J, PAL, or SECAM-Formatted TV Tuner No Longer Works Correctly After Upgrade to DirectX 9.0b

Hope somebody can help:-)

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Post by NOPIK »

You can install DirectX update on English - do not use Windows update, use link given (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en).
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Post by msj33 »

As I mentioned i can't cause the update won't allow to update, because the update is in English, and My xp is in Danish.

I get the following error when trying to update

Setup cannot update your Directx files because the language installed on your system is different from the update language.

So what should i do now?

Can i download the exe-package, and unzip manually?

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Post by msj33 »


I've solved the problem.


Here is the solution to make the autmoatic channel scanning to work under 2K/XP.

1) Update your DirectX to Version 9.0b

DirectX 9.0b

2) Install the bugfix for DirectX 9.0b:

Bugfix for Directx 9.0b for Windows 2K/Xp.

3) Reboot computer.

4) Check the file Kstvtune.ax in your cÆ\windows\system32 directory.

If the update was successfull the file should be 275 KB.

If the file isn't 275KB but instead 268 KB, then do the following instead.

1) Download the bugfix.

2) Un-exe it with winzip, winrar, winace etc.

3) Backup your Existing Kstvtune.ax 268KB to a safe location.

3) Search for every file with the name Kstune.ax and overwrite the files with the one from the un-exed bugfix.(REMEMBER NOT TO OWERWRITE YOUR BACKUP!)

4) Restart your computer.

Your problem with scanning should now be solved. :D

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Post by Chris »

Finnaly Microsoft fixed their error again : The English hotfix package has been modified to allow patching of all language installations supported by the affected Operating Systems.

Code: Select all

DirectX 9.0b was released on 7/23/03 to address the MIDI security issue identified in bulletin MS03-030. A small number of non-security fixes were also included in the release. One of these fixes caused several TV Tuner capture card/driver combinations using video formats other than NTSC (NTSC-J, PAL, SECAM) to no longer initialize correctly on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Symptoms include loss of capture functionality and potential inability to set/retain device capture settings. This hotfix, documented further in Knowledge Base article 825116, has been issued to correct the flaw.

11-04-03 update: The English hotfix package has been modified to allow patching of all language installations supported by the affected Operating Systems.

You can get the patch from here : http://download.microsoft.com/download/ ... 86-ENU.exe

More info : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en

Hope it really works for all now :) or maybe another fix will come again :P
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