Basically in order to control ChrisTV Software, you need an application that receives and process the signal from remote control (as the remote applications that came bundled with the TV Card) and then sends keyboard shortcuts to ChrisTV window. (Here you can see a list of ChrisTV Shortcuts :
1. Applications bundled with TV Cards
Some TV Cards come with a remote software that can be configured to work with third party applications like Winamp, ChrisTV etc.
In this case is very simple you only have to define a custom profile for ChrisTV.exe file and assign for each remote button the keyboard key that should send to ChrisTV Window.
Example of this kind of applications are :
Pinnacle PCTV Remote - comes with any Pinnacle TV Card.
Code: Select all
Go to ChrisTV Folder\Remote Control Files folder - and read the pctv_remote.txt file- Addon to the PCTV Remote Program - profiles.ini (read inside for more details).
ASUS Remote Master - comes with the Asus TV-FM Cards.
Terratec Cinergy Cards
2. Using third party softwares, a list with the best remote applications you can find here :
Girder 3.3.x
Girder Homepage :
Download :
Step by step walktrough - ... walktrough
Girder FAQ -
Plugins for Girder you can find here : ... derplugins
and also you can search their forum for your TV Card maybe a plugin for your remote is just being made

Also ChrisTV Package 4.00 and up comes with a "Remote Control Files" folder where you can find :
a ) ChrisTV Program Exported Group for Girder 3.2x and up (ChrisTV Program.GML file)
b ) BRemote addon for ChrisTV support (Bremote.txt)
c ) ATI Remote Wonder Plugin for controlling ChrisTV
d ) Hauppauge remote configuration file (Irremote.ini) ready to control ChrisTV, for more details please read this topic : ... #entry4483
e ) ChrisTV uICE Application Group
f ) Addons to the PCTV Remote Program - profiles.ini (read the file for more details).
Some guides how to make your remote work (made by users

For Leadtek TV Cards: ... p?id=13420
For PixelView PlayTV Pro: ... =PixelView
For Much TV Card :
For Asus Tvfm Card :
For Medion Card - Girder Plugin :
For Terratec Cinergy 400/600 - Girder Plugin : ... t=terratec
For Wayjet/Jetway TV Card - use Bremote and in settings choose as TV Card Kworld TV Card.
For Pinnacle Pctv 310i :
For Msi Tv@anywhere Master :
If you have any other remote control devices/settings or you want to give advices or tips to ChrisTV's users please feel free to post HERE